About illness and Postclassical Homeopathy
Everything in the Universe has its cause. Our sadness has its cause, our joy, our pain, the way we think, our behavior, and also our illness. Illness is not about what bacteria we come into contact with or what genetic predisposition we have to something. Illness is about our perception of ourselves, understanding and acceptance of what life brings = what we co-create.

The cause of our discomforts and/or mental deviations is always good to look for because then we can work on eliminating the eventual obnoxiousnesses, limits there is unlimited existence of alternative ways and for each of us can be something else. The important thing is not to let it be, not to leave it up to western medicine, or others, but to actively search, learn, understand and change.

Eczema, back pains, gynecological issues, upper respiratory tract problems, tonsillitis, coughs, inflammations, asthma, or any other physical suffering, as well as mental, emotional, has a major cause rooted in the psyche. The trigger can be vaccinations too, or other chemicals put in the body or an illness can be developed from a few different little chronic ailments. But these have causing roots in the psyche too. When we add to the mix a bad lifestyle or diet, we get most of the participants for the start of the illness.

There just are many, maybe unlimited possibilities of what co–creates all of those ailments together. And if, then minimally, the chronic ailment is created by one cause and in one moment only. We are a system, a smaller Universe, having many mechanisms for correcting, harmonizing what happens within, therefore our organism usually easily handles singular, individual issues. But when the individual issues accumulate and last and are not dealt with, a permanent load arises which causes lowering of the endurance of our whole system, our psycho–energetic system.

With growing Homeopathy practice i came to the conclusion that any life situations which we go through are building stones of our future mental state, our belief system, and our behavior. Plus the physical body of course. The base is certainly inherited tendency to think, to feel but then it is our life that “forms” us and our surroundings. So, as soon as, perhaps in the prenatal state or later, lays down a stepping stone of anxiety, fear, stress, anger, grief in the mother to be (because baby goes through everything with her, the child is already being born with a stepping stone of certain tendency to be born more sad or more stressed etc. And while in life there will be brought in situations that trigger in him “heavy” feelings, the base is being created for a problem.

On the contrary, if they are in a surroundings that affects them differently then that original and that original “sad” stepping stone is just a little piece of a road that doesn’t have to lead to no big pathology (deviation, illness). But will still be there within him (undealt) and can co–create for example a recurring rhinitis. As for the formation of our psyche. Maybe we can use the analogy of a spider web that is being created within us due to our life experiences.

So, if the understanding and dealing with of our life experiences is correct, our future thoughts and emotions, feelings are running through the spider threads correctly. But if in any part of the web something gets stuck (some unprocessed experience) the energy does not run smoothly, correctly through and following thoughts or feelings are being stuck or have to run through different routes, sometimes quite an incomprehensible siding and that creates “other” awareness or thinking. And that after some time, grows into manifestations in the physical body.

But also a joyful family can have a “sad” child, or a loving family can have a baby with a fear of lack of love. This is well–known emotion in children who feel a lack of love or fear of losing the love they have and the related problem of an upper respiratory tract. Because it is not important as much what one lives, experiences but mainly how it is internally felt and experienced.

You can have a horribly tough life and be joyful or have everything one can dream of and feel depressed. You can be loved and feel a lack of love or fear of losing love. It is about some disturbed perception of reality. You can try that feeling refute with a reason but somewhere inside it lasts, resides. No matter the irrationality of it. And no matter what you do, somewhere deep inside it still is and affects your mental and physical wellbeing. And precisely these bundles stuck in our mental spider webs can be very well gradually released by a Postclassical Homeopath, so the issues in the body are balancing out and also the causes in the psyche, those bundles are dissolving, releasing. It also relaxes the thinking. All of the rhinitis, coughs, anger, grief are leaving the bodies.

My personal experience is that the body is getting back into the condition it hasn’t had in a long time and can, by itself, deal with the guarding of its space.

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