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About Homeopathy and Postclassical Homeopathy
Just as there are different ways of practicing medicine, there are different ways of practicing Homeopathy. Homeopathy originated about 200 years ago as a so called Classical Homeopathy and its basis was in the search for one cure at a time for the current physical and mental state of man. Then Constitutive Homeopathy arose – every person is born in the image of one remedy, somehow he behaves, somehow he thinks and if such a patient is given his constitutive remedy – in any given situation – this remedy will help him.
Both approaches sometimes have excellent results and sometimes just don't work. In our time also originated the so–called "Boiron" Homeopathy which either looks for one medicine as a Classical Homeopathy but does not consider at all the psychological side of a man or medicine, or mixes of different homeopathics with the body chooses what it needs. However, this is in complete contradiction to the principle of Homeopathy because by mixing of remedies a cocktail of mixed informations is created that can momentarily bring relief on the physical side but also can make a person put down gradually or completely disharmonised the whole organism.
Incorrect is the recommended dosage as well because if the given information to the body is correct just one globule is enough. So the heavily promoted and fully recommended in the brochures intakes of remedy five globules at a time seems like the original hidden intention of increased sales rather than the real impact. Why if one globule works with the particular information to serve 5?
Moreover, with repeated servings, the information of the remedy is strengthened and the effect is shifted more into the psyche, which then pulls out something that "Boiron" Homeopathy does not count at all with and cause patient be pretty uncomfortable in next days or months. But he doesn't figure it out because he lives in an embedded delusion that there is either an effect or nothing at all.
And then there is the so–called Posclassical Homeopathy which originated on the basis of Classical Homeopathy, deepened and expanded these basis and says that everything has its development over time, so does the pathology, and just as you use a different educational approach for a two–year–old child than for a 14–year–old, the disease also has its own phases and the appropriate remedies and Homeopath must reflect that.
Just as you do not erase the stages of your development from your body, the developmental stages of your disease are "recorded" in your body too. It is then treated as if you were cutting a cake until you get to its beginning. Unfortunately we do not have only one pathology (discomfort) in our body, so Postclassical Homeopath knows the way that your pathology has taken, will search in the right books in history collected related remedies, carefully select those, sort them, choose the primary ones so it doesn't hurt you too much, brings you the fastest relief without throwing off your system and gradually releases collected disharmonies to their roots.
It is a cooperation for a longer time, but it eliminates things that Western medicine has not even dreamed of and has a much higher success rate of treatment than Classical or Constitutive Homeopathy. The only inconvenience of this treatment is that things are "coming out" of you. Suppressed emotions, old suppresed by Alopathic medicine illnesses, old rhinitis and the like. For someone more for someone less. The most amazing bonus from my own experience is that the body gets or very close to a state of health and resilience.
During the treatment, Postclassical Homeopath corrects, specifies or supplements the remedies that "appear". Because some remedies have their clear place of "development" and some we have to wait until they show up.
Indeed, it is an alchemy and, in my view, a great tool to the future to assist the return of humanity to its health state.
There are states in which there is room for seeking Homeopathic treatments but there are also states where Posclassical Homeopath prefers to manage the current life of a health threatening condition with conventional medicine and only then work on curing causes of why such a condition occurred so that it does not recur anymore. The power of Postclassical Homeopathy is in the work with the whole system, curing the chronical conditions, working on the level of releasing the psychological blocks in favour of longlasting benefits of the treatement.